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How to Re-Shape Your Square Butt (Into a Round One)

February 07, 2024

How to re-shape square butt into a round one

If you've ever stood in front of the mirror and wished for a perkier bum, you're not alone. A square butt might be more common than you think, but it's far from a life sentence. In fact, reshaping your glutes is entirely within reach!

The truth is that not everyone is naturally blessed with a round or heart-shaped derriere. More often, people find themselves with a bum that's, well, a bit more 'blocky' than bootylicious. But don't fret – this is just the beginning of your transformation journey.

The great news? If you're not thrilled with your square-shaped bum and crave a change, it's absolutely possible! With the right blend of diet and a dedicated training plan, the butt of your dreams isn't just a fantasy.

Imagine trading in your square butt for curves that even geometry can't define. It's all about commitment, the right exercises, and a pinch of persistence. So, are you ready to sculpt your way to a rounder rear? Let's dive in!


What Exactly Is a Square-Shaped Butt?

Square shaped bum

I know the term "square-shaped butt" might sound self-explanatory, but there's a bit more to it. Picture this: when viewed from behind, your butt appears as a literal square. The sides are relatively flat, and the width at the top of your buttocks is almost identical to the width at the bottom. It's a shape that can sometimes be lovingly referred to as an H-shaped butt.

So, what causes this geometric figure?

It's usually a result of a lack of volume in the lower portion of the glutes, combined with excess fat in the upper part. This creates an overall limited development in the glute muscles, leading to a middle section that appears relatively flat. Unlike the coveted heart-shaped butt, which is fuller and rounder at the bottom, the square butt lacks that lower fullness.

Understanding this shape is critical because it guides how you'll reshape it. It's not just about losing fat; it's about strategic muscle-building and targeted workouts. Don't worry, though; transforming a square butt into a more rounded, heart-shaped one is completely achievable with the right approach!


Why Is My Bum Square Shaped?

So, what gives your bum that distinctive square shape? Several factors are at play, and it's a mix of elements beyond your control and aspects you can influence.

First, let's explore the reasons that are out of your hands. Understanding these will help you better appreciate the journey towards reshaping your glutes. Then, we'll discuss the factors you can actively work on to transform your square-shaped bum into a shape you adore.


Bone Structure

Did you know that the structure of your pelvis could be the secret architect behind your square-shaped butt? It's true. Many with this particular butt shape often have a square-shaped pelvis as well. This means that if you're born with a wider pelvis, it naturally influences the shape of your buttocks, giving it that distinct square appearance.

Unfortunately, our bone structure isn't something we can change. And honestly, we shouldn't want to. It's about playing the hand we're dealt. If a wide pelvis is part of your unique anatomy, embrace it! Besides, a wider pelvis might even have its advantages, especially when it comes to childbirth – but that's a conversation for another time.

What's important here is focusing on what we can change. While we can't alter our bone structure, we can definitely sculpt and enhance our muscles through a strategic glute workout plan. This plan will be tailored to work with your unique body shape, turning what might seem like a 'drawback' into your very own superpower!



Gene DNA

Genetics play a significant role in determining the shape of your bum, and they set certain parameters that we simply cannot change. One of the critical aspects influenced by genetics is where your body stores fat. Everyone has body fat, but where it decides to hang out is a unique aspect for each individual.

For those who have a square-shaped butt, your body likely prefers to store fat in your upper glutes. This contrasts with people who naturally store fat in their lower glutes, often resulting in that fuller, more desired appearance. While we can't control these genetic predispositions, it's not something to linger on for too long.

What we do have power over is the amount of body fat we carry overall. This aspect is something we'll explore more in the following sections.

Moreover, genetics also play a part in how your glute muscles attach to your pelvis, influencing the appearance of your glutes. Again, this isn't something within our control, so it's more beneficial to focus on the factors we can influence, like our overall fitness and body composition.


Body Fat Percentage

Building on what we discussed about genetics, it's true that we don't get a say in where our body chooses to store fat - that's a decision made by our genes. For those with square-shaped glutes, it often means a considerable amount of fat resides in the upper glutes.

But let's focus on the key phrase here: "storing fat." Now, this doesn't mean you're fat – far from it. It's just that, due to genetics, your body prefers storing fat in a certain way. If your goal is to reshape and redefine your butt, one of the steps will involve reducing your overall body fat percentage.

Reducing overall body fat doesn't just affect one area but also changes your entire physique. This is essential for sculpting the butt you desire. It's about working smarter, not just harder, to achieve the shape and definition you're aiming for.


Low Muscle Mass

Another critical factor in the square shape of your butt could be low muscle mass. The reality is if we're not engaging in exercises or workouts that target the glutes, we can't expect those muscles to develop out of thin air.

Consider the lifestyle many of us lead. Jobs requiring prolonged sitting keep our glutes in a lengthened, inactive state. This prolonged inactivity doesn't just lead to a lack of tone; it can also result in weaker, less active glute muscles, further impacting muscle mass.

It's a rare occurrence to hear someone with a well-worked-out butt complain about it being square. And that's not just luck. Building muscle through targeted workouts is crucial in reshaping and toning the buttocks. This is where understanding the right exercises and putting in the effort makes all the difference in transforming your glutes from square to spectacular.


How to Get Rid of the Square Bum

As we've explored in the previous sections, there are various reasons why you might have a square-shaped butt. It's clear that some factors, like our bone structure and genetics, are beyond our control. We can't change these aspects, so there's little point in dwelling on them.

However, there's good news. The things we can influence – our body fat percentage and muscle mass – are powerful tools in reshaping our glutes. These are the areas where our efforts can truly make a difference. Focusing on these modifiable factors, we can embark on a journey to transform our square-shaped butt into the shape we desire.


Reduce Overall Body Fat

Kicking things off with body fat percentage: as we've previously discussed, a significant factor in the square shape of our butts is the accumulation of body fat, particularly in the upper glutes. To transition from a square to a rounder, more sculpted butt, we need to tackle this fat storage head-on.

The challenge here is that we can't target fat loss in specific areas; our genetics dictate where we lose fat first. So, instead of trying to slim down our upper glutes selectively, we must focus on reducing our overall body fat percentage. It's a universal approach - as your total body fat decreases, you'll also start to notice changes in your upper glutes.

How do we achieve this?

The key lies in creating a calorie deficit. This means consuming fewer calories than what our body burns in a day. To get a handle on creating and maintaining a calorie deficit effectively, consider checking out our detailed guide, “How Much Should I Be Eating to Lose Body Fat.” It provides an in-depth look at setting up a diet optimized for fat loss.


Build Muscle in the Glutes

Squatting for glute growth

Now, let's turn our attention to muscle mass. If your glutes are lacking in this department, it's no surprise they might appear square and flat. The goal here is to build up muscle in the glute region through resistance training. Whether hitting the gym or working out glutes at home, strength exercises are your best friend in this journey.

You're in luck if you're relatively new to the gym or have a higher body fat percentage! You might be able to simultaneously lose body fat and build muscle while in a calorie deficit – definitely a win-win scenario.

However, achieving both goals simultaneously might be more challenging for the more seasoned gym-goers or those with a lower body fat percentage. If this sounds like you, I recommend starting with an 8-12 week fat loss phase followed by a 12-14 week muscle-building phase. This approach allows you to shed the necessary fat and reach an optimal body fat percentage before embarking on a muscle-gain phase.

The reason for this phased approach is simple: to lose weight, a calorie deficit is needed (1), but to build muscle effectively, a calorie surplus is typically required. Since these are opposing nutritional strategies, focusing on one goal at a time tends to yield the best results.

Just as we have a guide for eating for fat loss, we also offer a comprehensive guide on nutrition during a muscle-gaining phase. Check it out to get all the insights you need for fueling your body effectively during this exciting transformation.


Best Exercises to Turn Square Glutes Into Round Ones

Ready to transform your backside from square to sensational? In this section, we're diving into the best exercises for reshaping your glutes. These aren't just random workouts; they're carefully selected to target and build those key muscles, turning your square butt into a round and robust masterpiece.

But wait, there's more! We're not just listing exercises. We're also crafting two tailor-made booty-building workouts for you. These routines are designed to be implemented right away, helping you start your journey towards adding size and shape to your glutes.

Whether you're a gym veteran or just starting, these exercises and workouts are your roadmap to achieving the glute goals you've been dreaming of. Let's get moving and turn those glutes into a work of art!


1. Squats

Squat exercise example


Squats are the ultimate powerhouse move for transforming your glutes. This exercise is a true all-rounder, targeting not just your buttocks but also your thighs, hips, and core. It's essential for building lower body strength and sculpting those round, firm glutes.

To perform the exercise:

  1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out. Keep your spine straight and your core engaged.
  2. Lower your body as if sitting back into a chair, bending at the knees and hips. Ensure your knees track over the toes
  3. Lower down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, keeping your weight in your heels.
  4. Push through your heels to return to the starting position, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement.
  5. Repeat for the desired number of reps.


2. Hip Thrusts

Hip thrust exercise example


Hip thrusts are a go-to exercise for anyone looking to enhance their gluteal strength and shape seriously. This exercise specifically targets the gluteus maximus, the most significant muscle in your buttocks, making it a critical move for reshaping a square butt.

How to perform Hip Thrusts:

  1. Sit on the ground with your back against a bench or a stable surface at knee height. Place a barbell or a weight plate across your hips for added resistance.
  2. Bend your knees and plant your feet flat on the floor, about hip-width apart.
  3. Drive through your heels to lift your hips towards the ceiling. Your shoulders and feet should support your weight.
  4. At the top of the movement, squeeze your glutes hard and pause momentarily.
  5. Lower your hips back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Hip thrusts can be easily adapted for your home glute workouts, even without gym equipment. You can perform them with your body weight, or for an added challenge, use any household item that adds weight, like a heavy book or a backpack. Consistent practice of this exercise is a powerful way to build and shape your glutes, turning that square shape into a round, lifted one.


3. Romanian Deadlifts

Romanian deadlift exercise example


Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs) are an exceptional exercise for strengthening and shaping the backside. They primarily target your hamstrings and glutes, which are crucial to transforming a square butt into a more rounded, toned one.

How to perform Romanian Deadlifts:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a barbell or dumbbell in front of your thighs.
  2. Keep your knees slightly bent, spine straight, and shoulders back.
  3. Hinge at your hips and lower the weights towards the floor, keeping them close to your legs. You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings.
  4. Lower down as far as your flexibility allows without rounding your back.
  5. Drive through your heels to return to the starting position, squeezing your glutes at the top.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of reps.


4. Bulgarian Split Squats

Bulgarian split squat exercise example


Bulgarian Split Squats are dynamic exercises that challenge your balance and work each leg individually, ensuring balanced muscle development in your glutes and thighs. This exercise is excellent for sculpting a rounder butt by targeting each side of your glutes intensely.

How to perform Bulgarian Split Squats:

  1. Stand a couple of feet in front of a bench or a stable surface.
  2. Extend one leg back and place the top of your foot on the bench.
  3. Keep your front foot flat on the floor and your torso upright.
  4. Lower your body by bending your front knee, keeping it aligned with your ankle.
  5. Lower down until your front thigh is almost parallel to the floor.
  6. Push through your front heel to rise back up to the starting position.
  7. Complete the desired number of reps, then switch legs.


5. Deficit Reverse Lunges

Deficit reverse lunge exercise example


Deficit Reverse Lunges are a fantastic exercise for targeting the glutes and enhancing overall lower body strength. Unlike traditional lunges, the reverse motion places more emphasis on your glutes rather than your quads, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to round out their backside.

How to perform Reverse Lunges:

  1. Stand on a shallow platform (2-6 inches) with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Take a step backwards with one foot, landing on the ball of that foot.
  3. Lower your hips until your front thigh is almost parallel to the floor, ensuring your front knee doesn’t go beyond your toes.
  4. Keep your weight mainly on your front heel for stability and maximum glute engagement.
  5. Push through the heel of your front foot to return to the starting position.
  6. Alternate legs or complete all reps on one side before switching to the other.


6. Glute 45-Degree Hyperextensions

Glute hyperextension exercise example


Glute 45-degree Hyperextensions are an excellent exercise to isolate and strengthen the glutes. They're particularly effective when performed on one of the best glute machines available at most gyms – the hyperextension bench. This exercise focuses on the posterior chain, which includes the glutes and lower back, making it a valuable addition to any glute-building routine.

How to perform Glute 45-Degree Hyperextensions:

  1. Position yourself on a 45-degree hyperextension bench, securing your feet under the footpads.
  2. Cross your arms over your chest or place them behind your head (or if you’ve progressed to weighted versions, hold the weight by your chest)
  3. Lower your upper body down by hinging at the hips
  4. Using your glutes, lift your torso back up to the starting position, aligning your body in a straight line from head to feet.
  5. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement for maximum engagement.
  6. Repeat for the desired reps, maintaining a controlled and steady pace.

If you don't have access to a hyperextension bench, you can perform a similar movement using a stability ball or even on the edge of a couch or bed at home. This exercise is vital for targeting the glutes directly and is a great exercise to have in your arsenal for shaping up those glutes.


7. Leg Press

Leg press exercise


The Leg Press is a classic exercise that's effective for overall leg strength and excellent for targeting the glutes, especially when done with the correct technique. This exercise is typically performed on a dedicated leg press machine.

Here’s how I tackle the Leg Press for maximum glute activation:

  1. Sit on the leg press machine with your back and head resting comfortably against the padded support.
  2. Place your feet on the platform, positioning them higher and wider than normal, with the toes slightly pointing outwards. This stance emphasizes glute activation.
  3. Bend your knees to lower the platform towards you
  4. Push through your heels, extending your legs to press the weight away. Keep the movement controlled.
  5. Lower the platform back towards you, maintaining a steady, controlled pace.
  6. Perform the desired repetitions, focusing on using your glutes throughout the exercise.

The Leg Press allows you to work with significant resistance, helping to build strength and size in the glutes. Remember to adjust the weight and seat position to ensure proper form and effectiveness.


8. Cable Pull Throughs

Cable pull-throughs are a superb exercise for targeting the glutes, particularly effective in building size and definition in these muscles. They are performed using a cable machine, which offers a unique resistance profile that you don’t get with free weight exercises.

How to perform Cable Pull Throughs:

  1. Position yourself away from a cable machine with a rope attachment set to the lowest level.
  2. Facing away from the cable machine, bend down and grasp the rope between your legs, holding it with both hands.
  3. Stand up straight, stepping forward so the weight is lifted off the stack. Keep a slight bend in your knees.
  4. Lean forward at your hips, allowing your arms to extend backwards between your legs. Keep your back straight.
  5. Thrust your hips forward, pulling the cable through your legs and extending your hips fully.
  6. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement.
  7. Return to the starting position in a controlled manner, maintaining tension on the cable.
  8. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


9. Cable Kickbacks

Transforming your square butt into a round one calls for some targeted moves, and Cable Kickbacks are just the ticket. This exercise zeroes in on your glutes in a way few others can, making it a favorite for those pursuing that round, lifted look.

How to perform Cable Kickbacks:

  1. Hook a cable ankle strap to one of your ankles and attach it to a low pulley on the cable machine.
  2. Facing the machine, hold onto the frame for support.
  3. Keeping your supporting leg slightly bent for balance, kick back the strapped leg in a smooth, controlled motion.
  4. Extend your leg as far back as you can while squeezing your glutes, but be mindful to keep your back straight.
  5. Slowly return your leg to the starting position, maintaining control and not letting the weight stack touch down between reps.
  6. Complete your set, then switch legs.

What makes Cable Kickbacks stand out is their ability to isolate and engage the glute muscles intensely. It's an exercise that brings you one step closer to saying goodbye to the square butt and hello to a more rounded posterior.


10. Abduction Machine

Abduction machine exercise example


The Abduction Machine is one of those essential side glute exercises that target the often-neglected muscles on the sides of your hips and butt, helping to create a more rounded, sculpted appearance.

Mastering the Abduction Machine goes like this:

  1. Sit in the abduction machine with your back firmly against the pad.
  2. Position your legs against the machine pads, starting with your knees together.
  3. Gradually push your legs apart against the resistance, focusing on using your glute muscles to perform the movement.
  4. Pause and squeeze your glutes once you reach a comfortable yet challenging width.
  5. Slowly bring your legs back together, maintaining tension throughout the movement.
  6. Aim for a number of repetitions that challenge you while maintaining good form.


11. Banded Glute Extension

Wrap up your glute transformation journey with Banded Glute Extensions. This exercise is a fantastic way to add resistance to your glute workouts, especially if you prefer or need to exercise at home. Using a resistance band, you can effectively target and tone your glutes, making significant strides towards turning that square shape into a rounder, more sculpted one.


Here’s the right way to do Banded Glute Extensions:

  1. Secure a resistance band around both thighs and stand upright
  2. Hinge slightly at the hips and lift one foot slightly off of the floor and balance on one leg (hold onto something if necessary).
  3. Ensure you keep your back straight and your core engaged. This stable core position is crucial for the effectiveness of the exercise.
  4. Extend your leg backwards behind your body, keeping the motion controlled. The key is to push back, not up, to keep the emphasis on your glutes.
  5. Bring the leg back to the starting position in a controlled manner and repeat for the desired number of repetitions before switching legs.


Workouts to Get Rid of the Square Butt

As promised, we have designed 2 workouts for you to incorporate into your regime today to transform your square butt into a round one! We recommend performing both workouts each week for 6-8 weeks.


Glute Workout A




4 sets of 8-10 reps

Romanian Deadlifts

3 sets of 8-10 reps

Reverse Lunges

3 sets of 10-12 reps on each leg

Cable pull throughs

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Abductor machine

3 sets of 12-15 reps


Glute Workout B



Hip thrusts

4 sets of 8-10 reps

Bulgarian split squats

3 sets of 8-10 reps on each leg

Leg press

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Glute 45-degree hyperextensions

3 sets of 10-12 reps

Abductor machine

3 sets of 10-15 reps


Once you hit the upper end of the rep range in each set for a particular exercise, you should increase the weight the following week. Stick with this new weight until you can again complete the upper end of the rep range for all sets and then increase the weight again. This cycle is known as progressive overload and is the key to building muscle.  


Final Thoughts: Sculpting Your Dream Glutes

And there you have it, folks! The secret recipe to transform your square butt into a round masterpiece worthy of Renaissance art.

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, nor is a perfectly round bum. But with determination, the right exercises, the correct nutrition, and a sprinkle of patience, you'll soon be the proud owner of glutes that will look good in any pair of leggings.

Don't forget, while you're working on those squats, hip thrusts, and lunges, your square butt isn't just a shape – it's a canvas waiting for its transformation. So, embrace the journey, laugh at the challenge, and maybe even thank your square butt for giving you a reason to become a more robust, fitter version of yourself.

So, tighten those laces, hit the gym, and let's turn those square glutes into the talk of the town. After all, every great masterpiece started with a single brushstroke – or, in our case, one squat at a time!



  1. Frysh, P. (2018, May 7). Caloric deficit: What to know. WebMD.

Thomas D
Thomas D


Thomas is a dedicated fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of experience in the gym. As a level 2 qualified gym instructor, he combines his passion for working out and nutrition to help others achieve their fitness goals. Thomas stays up to date with the latest fitness research and follows the work of top experts in the field. With a balance of textbook knowledge and real-life experience, he provides practical guidance to help others reach their full potential.

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