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About Us

about robor fitness

Ambition, Dedication, Passion & Persistence.

Your ultimate fitness hub. Expert Advice x Affordable Activewear

We provide you with the knowledge you require in order to build the physique you've always dreamt of, whilst supplying you with the latest gym wear so that you can feel and look your best throughout your journey. 

Whether you're looking to build muscle, lose fat, or better your performance, we've got you covered. We write research-backed articles covering exercise selection, workout programmes, dieting, muscle building, fat loss, workout ideas, supplements, gym equipment and more! Head over to our 'Blog' and get stuck into our knowledge-filled articles. 

Once you're done there, head back to get your hands on our latest gymwear. 

We aim to supply premium performance clothing to ambitious athletes and fitness enthusiasts at an affordable price point. The Robor Fitness brand relates to the ambition, dedication, passion and persistence required to achieve your goals.  

Robor Fitness Core Values:

  1. Ambition
  2. Dedication
  3. Passion
  4. Persistence.


  1. Ambition

Ambition is the foundation of all sporting accomplishment. Having a clear vision and a relentless passion to achieve your own personal goals is what keeps you motivated to become the best athlete you can be.


  1. Dedication

The word dedication can be traced back to the Latin term “Dedicare” which means “The giving of oneself to some purpose”. You need to be 100% devoted to achieving your vision. This is what separates you from the rest of the field, this is what drives you to take action regardless of the road blocks that lay ahead of you, and this is what will make you successful in your sporting journey.


  1. Passion

Passion is the intense emotion that compels action. Being passionate about your training turns obstacles into challenges; it fuels progression; and helps you maximise your athletic abilities. Having a true passion for training results in time being invested to improve performance, and the ability to push yourself to that intense level although it may not be inherently enjoyable. 


  1. Persistence

Persistence is having the ability to maintain action regardless of your feelings. Over your training years you will encounter many difficulties that can easily direct you away from your goals. There will be times when the easy option would be to give up, and the majority of society probably would – but we’re different. We’re champions, every time we get knocked down; we get right back up and straight to work – we’re Robor Fitness. 

We have the upmost respect for those athletes who work tirelessly to maximise their potential. Reaching your goals is a journey, a journey we’d like to go on with our atheletes.


We always love to interact with our readers and customers, so anything you need to know ask away! - Via 'Contact Us' Page
